Dear friends, We are pleased to announce the relaunch of Progressive Data Jobs(PDJ), and we invite you to share and explore our improved job search site.
We’re gearing up to launch this month because many campaigners will be looking for new jobs in November, and we are so excited to support them with the updated site. We’ve launched a better look with new features, including Section 508 accessibility compliance, as well as filtering options. Give us a follow on Twitter and LinkedIn, and help us spread the word about this new site. (sample posts below)
The best news? The site is still 100% free for all users.
Thank you all again for all of your support, especially to everyone who has chipped in to rebuild and maintain the site. Thanks to these donations, we are close to being fully community funded. Can you spare $10 to help us reach our goal?
If you have any questions or feedback on the new website, reach out to . Enjoy the update, and happy searching! Sincerely,

Progressive Data Jobs (@progdatajobs) has a brand new look! Search for your next #progressive or #nonprofit #data or #analytics career:
Check out the new @progdatajobs site to find #data, #analytics, and #tech jobs across the progressive workspace.
If you’re a progressive organization looking to fill a #data, #analytics, or #tech position, be sure to add your job posting to the new @progdatajobs site for free.
Check out the new and improved Progressive Data Jobs site to find the latest #data, #analytics, and #tech jobs across the progressive and nonprofit spaces.
If you are a progressive or social good organization and looking to fill a #data, #analytics, or #tech position, be sure to add your job posting to Progressive Data Jobs’ newly launched site for free.